Friday, February 7, 2014


“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous" - Deepak Chopra

Once upon a time I used to be fascinated with the mystery and thrill of coincidences.  I believed them to be these crazy, seemingly random occurrences that just happened to have something in common with another event I had already experienced. However, over the last year, I have been so swarmed with coincidences, that I had to take a step back and really reevaluate if they were just random occurrence, or someone/something trying to send me a message.

Last Spring, my kids and I were living in a 36' fifth wheel at the KOA in Missoula as we waited for our home in Williston to be ready. The closer we got to the impending moving date, the more I started to notice that I was seeing the number 52 quite frequently. After about 2 weeks my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to try to keep track and record these numbers as often as I was able. On average, I came upon the number 52 about 2 times per day. I saw it every day, consistently. Moving day was finally upon us, and several days later, I realized I had stopped seeing the 52 almost completely. I didn't think anything of it until a few weeks later when it started again, but this time 2-4+ a day. Once again I started recording it and was a little taken aback by how frequently it was happening. I mentioned it to Larry a few times, and at first he accused me of "waiting for the clock to turn to :52". It only took me pointing it out, out of the blue on signs, license plates, building numbers, etc.. for him to drop that assumption. At the end of July, I embarked on a fun adventure across the US, by car, with all 3 kids, to Dallas, Texas to see my family. I planned to leave at midnight, but didn't get into the car until 12:52am. I filled up my tank on the way out of town at $3.52 per gallon. Over the next 24 hours, I not only saw the 52 on the clock, but on exits, mile markers, and various other signs. The second day, I arrived at my wonderful friend Britneys house, address 5225. You are starting to see a pattern, correct? The rest of the drive, vacation, and return trip were all wonderful and my trusty was consistently by my side the whole time. That is, until I got home and once again it disappeared almost completely.

By this time I had started to look into the theory behind seeing recurrent numbers and their meaning. I discovered that what I had been seeing were "Angel Numbers". According to my research, the occurrence of the recurrent 52 meant the following: The repeating Angel Number 52 is a message to have faith and trust in yourself and the decisions and choices you have made in regards to current life chances. Trust that these changes will bring auspicious circumstances and new opportunities to enhance and enrich your life. There is more to it than just the previous excerpt, including the numbers 5+2=7, another lucky number, but I feel that one paragraph itself carries a pretty strong message. The first time I saw my angel numbers we were getting ready to make a big, life changing move. The second time I saw them we were on a very long, potentially dangerous trip across the country to reconnect with friends and family. In both instances, I think I was seeing the numbers so frequently because they were a message that myself and my family were being watched over and protected.

Nearly 3 weeks ago, our lives were dramatically changed when we learned that our new baby showed signs of abnormality. 1 week ago today we got our pre-diagnostic screening test results back, with the news that our little boy had a 99% chance of being born with Downs Syndrome. The picture at the top are most, but not all of the 52s that I have seen in the one week since receiving this news. Nearly 20 times in 7 days that I managed to record. This doesn't include at least a dozen other times I wasn't able to photograph or screenshot their appearance. Even if you don't believe in some higher power, you have to wonder about that many coincidences. I'm a believer.

What does this mean for our little boy? I have to believe that it is once again a message that we are being watched over and protected. Why would I doubt something that has shown such strong signs in the past? My mothers intuition screams that everything is okay with our little guy and he will be born perfectly healthy this summer. I've learned not to doubt my own intuition, and combined with my ever present angel numbers, I feel completely confident in trusting my faith and not allowing fear to exist in any form in my mind. This whole experience has been eye opening in more ways than once and it has brought about immediate and positive changes in my life already. Whatever happens, I know that I need to work on a lot of aspects in my life, and this may have been the nudge I needed to get re-directed and re-centered as a mom, girlfriend, daughter, friend, and human overall.


1 comment:

  1. I love you! my number's I see all the time are 11! Can't wait to see what the future hold for you!:)
